Top scientific and academic achievements

Embark Exploration Program

Foundation knowledge in subjects such as mathematics, computer programming, and data science.

Prestigious STEM Competitions

Recommend suitable projects and topics to students through interviews, and set up pre-courses.

Liberal Arts and PBL Contest

Rich experience in humanities and social science research projects and PBL competition preparation

About Embark

Embark Research Education was established in 2016. It is the first background-enhancing educational institution focusing on customized scientific research training for teenagers. All core team members are graduates with master's or doctoral degrees from prestigious universities in the United States.

Our Mission

To empower students by providing tailored research experiences that enhance their academic and personal growth, preparing them to stand out in the competitive landscape of college applications.

Our Vision

To cultivate a generation of young scholars who exhibit a deep passion for research, demonstrate expertise in their chosen fields, and present unique and impactful contributions to the academic community, ultimately shaping them into future leaders and innovators in their respective fields.

Embark Exploration Program

Personalized Personal Websites Showcasing Research Results-Embark Exploration Program creates personal websites for students to showcase their project outcomes.

Prestigious STEM Competitions

Results Guaranteed - Ensure that students' scientific research papers are published in high-level international conferences or journals included in CPCI or Scopous with students as the first authors.

Liberal Arts and PBL Contest

The Concord Review(TCR)、CTB Global Youth Research and Innovation Conference、The Conrad Challenge and other competition preparation coaching.


Research Mentor


Award Winners


Projects Done

Embark Research Mentor

The core team members are master or doctor graduates from famous universities such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Latest News

Ready to get started? It's fast, free and very easy!

Embark will recommend suitable projects and topics for students through interviews, and set up special preparatory courses and scientific research courses to help students quickly master the necessary knowledge for scientific research.

Embark Prestigious STEM Competitions Training Process

Embark has a very complete training process and system

  • Clear research intention

  • Matching tutor

  • Scientific research ability evaluation

  • Mentor communication

  • Supplementary scientific research

  • foundation

  • Do scientific research

  • First draft

  • Thesis defense

  • Paper polishing/revision

  • Paper submission

  • Receive an offer letter

The Story of Embark Alumni

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