Embark Exploration Program!

Why Embark Exploration Program?

Explore Your Interests .Develop Your Interests.

Explore Your Interests .Develop Your Interests.
Exploration Program offer a structured and concentrated delve into trending career paths and research subjects. Participants cultivate a solid groundwork in their academic and professional aspirations through meticulously crafted lessons and adaptable projects. Our distinguished mentors provide guidance, while connections with peers who share similar interests enrich the experience.

In this program you wil...

Research Primer

Experience research projects and master basic research methods

Discipline cornerstone

learn the basics of math, computer programming, data science and other disciplines

Immersion experience

teaching thematic topics to better determine whether students are suitable for related disciplines

Thinking Enhancement

Enhance logical and structural thinking skills

Types of programs

Research literacy

Computational thinking,
modeling thinking,
decomposition of complex problems.

Advanced mathematics

Introduction to calculus,
introduction to linear algebra.

Data science

Introduction to mathematical statistics, simple machine learning models, introduction to Python programming, introduction to artificial intelligence.

Demonstration of Teaching Achievements

Personalized Personal Websites Showcasing Research Results-Embark Exploration Program creates personal websites for students to showcase their project outcomes. These websites include personalized content such as project introductions, research processes, findings, and students' learning experiences, providing a genuine and comprehensive reflection of students' learning journey and academic growth. Additionally, the project outcomes from the Embark Exploration Program can also be shared on the computer industry exchange platform GitHub, allowing more people to take notice of students' academic accomplishments.

Exploration Program are best if you:

Why Embark ?