Junior Science and Humanities Symposia Introduction

JSHS is a STEM academic program sponsored by the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force to promote original research and experimentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at the high school level and publicly recognize outstanding student achievements.JSHS aims to expand the pool of trained talent ready to conduct research and development of national importance.
By connecting talented students, their teachers, and research professionals at affiliated symposia and by rewarding research excellence, JSHS aims to widen the pool of trained talent prepared to conduct research and development vital to nation.
JSHS regional and national symposia are held during the academic year and reach more than 8,000 high school students and teachers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Department of Defense Schools of Europe and the Pacific. Students must first participate in their regional symposium where they compete for selection to present at the national symposium each year. Registering to participate in a regional JSHS event is of no cost to the student.

Public recognition and certificates, honoring achievement and interest in research pursuits.

Gaining confidence and achievement through interactions with diverse students and professionals.

Connecting to future research opportunities through Defense Department STEM programs and professional networks.

Access to Defense, university, and industry events for insights into STEM careers and development.

Categories of JSHS

Environmental Science

Environmental Science/Engineering: Bioremediation, Ecosystems management, Environmental engineering, Land Resource Management,
Pollution, toxicity; impact upon ecosystem

Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical medicine, Microbiology, Cellular/Molecular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Pharmacology,Virology

Life & Behavioral Sciences

Developmental Biology, Plant Physiology, Population Genetics, General Biochemistry, Microbiology,Behavioral Sciences

Medicine & Health

Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Epidemiology, Immunology,Neuroscience, Physiology, Pathology

Engineering & Technology

Aerospace, Aerodynamics, Electrical Engineering, Energy – Solar, Vehicle Development, Devices,Mechanical Engineering, Robotics

Mathematics & Computer Science

Probability and Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science – Algorithms, Databases, Networking,Computer Engineering

Physical Sciences

Astronomy, Physics-theoretical, Physics-Solid state, Acoustics, Optics, Thermodynamics, ParticlePhysics, Quantum Physics, Nuclear; Internet of Things–network of physical objects or “things”embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity


Physical Chemistry, Materials, Alternative Fuels, Organic Chemistry (possibly in life science), Chemical
Engineering, Earth Science, Geochemistry, Energy–Alternative Fuels, Material Science

Eligibility Rules of JSHS

1.Students may compete in only one regional symposium. The address of the student’s schooldetermines the region with the exception of the Virtual Region.
2.Citizenship. Students must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States or U.S. territory to participate in JSHS.
3.Continuation projects. Students may continue a research investigation; however, a study which merely adds data from a previous year’s project is not considered a strong continuation project. If a continuation project is submitted, the student must discuss how the project was expanded (e.g., methodology, new variables); discuss any revisions in experimentation and present new data.
4.A student may present a report on work done as part of a class project, or as a science fair project, or summer research project.
5.Team projects - A team leader should be selected to register and present the results of the group work. The research may not be presented by any other member of the team. The judging criteria used to judge all JSHS presentations remains the same. The presentation should focus on the coordinated efforts of all team members and properly acknowledge the contributions of the team (students, mentors, and/or teachers).
6.Team project awards. If an individual presenter from a group project is selected as a
Regional finalist and is invited to present at the National JSHS, the same presenter must present at the National Symposium. Scholarships and other awards available at
Regional and National Symposia are awarded to the presenter.
7.Projects that are demonstrations, ‘library’ research or informational projects are not appropriate for JSHS.
8.The date/time for the student’s presentation is determined by regional and national symposia leadership. A student must be present for the assigned time or risk disqualification.

Request Information


    JSHS Event Timeline


    national competition tickets

    Submit application materials for the regional competition  to compete for regional


    Organize regional symposiums


    National competition

    Selection of national competition awards and honors and award of scholarships

    Scholarships & Awards

    Awards incentivize student finalists and faculty who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (LPR)

    Regional Finalists' AwardsNational Finalists' AwardsRegional Teacher Awards

    A total of $4,500 in undergraduate tuition scholarships is disbursed by each region.
    1st Place receives $2,000
    2nd Place receives $1,500
    3rd Place receives $1,000

    A total of $192,000 in undergraduate tuition scholarships is presented to the top three finalists in the National Symposium research paper oral competition in each subject category.
    Each of the 1st Place finalists receives $12,000
    Each of the 2nd Place finalists receives $8,000
    Each of the 3rd Place finalists receives $4,000
    Cash awards will be presented to the top three finalists in the National Symposium research poster competition in each subject category.

    JSHS honors individual teachers and their schools’ contributions to advancing student participation in STEM research. 

    Contact us for more tutoring arrangements!