The Concord Review

The Concord Review was established in March 1987 to recognize and publish outstanding history papers by high school students. It remains the only quarterly journal in the world that publishes excellent academic history papers for middle school students.
To date, a total of 96 issues have been issued, and 1,055 historical research papers from 46 states and 38 other countries have been published. The high authority of The Concord Review has been compared by the Director of Admissions at Harvard University to the academic activities of mathematics in top academic journals, and its acceptance rate is only about 5%. According to statistics, many authors published through TCR have been admitted to world-renowned universities, such as Harvard University (152 people), Oxford University (17 people), University of Pennsylvania (30 people), Princeton University (76 people), and Stanford University (86 people). , Yale University (123 people) and a series of other excellent institutions are excellent choices for improving your academic background!
Due to the popularity of the Internet, expanding high school class sizes, and overloaded teachers, traditional 15-20 page research reports have been reduced to a few pages and ppt reports. Therefore, The Concord Review (TCR) builds a platform for college students to develop a communication bridge with historical background. More importantly, it prepares students for the research papers they may write in college. TCR's evaluation is extremely rigorous, and submitted papers will be submitted to the program's National Writing Committee and evaluated according to independent academic expository writing standards. The standards are recognized by Harvard, Michigan, Princeton, Stanford, Virginia, Yale and 33 other universities.
Notice! TCR is a submission and publication project, not an academic activity!

Authors who successfully submit their papers and application fees can enjoy the electronic version of The Concord Review journal for the next one year (i.e. four issues). If you are willing to pay extra for postage, you can get the printed version of the journal for the next year (i.e. four issues).

Authors who are successfully accepted and published can print their individual papers (TCR Singles). Many past students include this paper in their university application materials, because TCR is the first and only journal in the world to publish papers by middle school students.

TCR also selects the Emerson Prize for outstanding performers from the previous year every year. There are about 10 people, each with a bonus of $1,000. A Fitzhugh Prize has also been established in 2021. These award-winning students have shown great promise in history.

Submission Time


November 1, 11:59pm EST (UTC -5)


February 1, 11:59pm EST (UTC -5)


May 1, 11:59pm EST (UTC -5)


August 1, 11:59pm EST (UTC -5)

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Contributor Requirements


The contributors are middle school students in grades 9-12 who have not yet entered university, and the submitted papers were completed during middle school.


The contributors are independent authors, and the historical papers submitted are truly written by themselves.


There is no need to find a recommender, but you need to fill in the name and email address of the history teacher at the contributor's school when filling out the submission form.

Paper Submission Requirements


The endnotes and document citations of submitted historical papers must be in Chicago format (Turabian), that is, all annotations and cited documents of the article must appear at the end of the article; endnotes must use Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals; the URL must be marked with the access date; the full text must be used. A single font, unless some non-English characters or diacritical marks that are not in the main text can use other fonts. Do not use carriage returns to break any complete sentences except for paragraphs.


It needs to be an English history paper of 4,000-6,000 words. You can also write on topics that have already been published. You can refer to the examples included in previous issues on the official website (or contact the assistant to get the examples). Articles with less than 4,000 words can be submitted, but the official prompt will compete with articles of other word counts. The official stated that the longest article ever published is 21,000 words, and the average word count of received papers is 5,500 words.


Submit only one file at a time. Only MS Word and RTF files are accepted. PDF, Apple Pages, GoogleDocs and other other files are not accepted. File name: first name + last name + underscore + first 3 words of the paper title, example: Marie Jones_The Founding Fathers.docx


The submitted paper has not been previously published on any platform other than the publication of the contributor's high school.


The Concord Review does not publish any graphic materials such as tables, pictures, photos, etc. Please be careful to remove them when submitting.


The same author can submit more than one article. If you need this, you can contact the organizer by email to modify your account information.

Submission Method

Log in to the TCR official website ( to create an account, fill out the online submission application form and submit the fee.
There are currently three payment methods for becoming an author (Author), depending on the form of TCR journal articles the author wants to obtain:
① eBook -$70.00 (electronic version)
② Print International -$150.00 (printed version with international address)
③ Print US -$110.00 (printed version with US address)
The submission form requires filling in the title of the paper, the number of words, and the abstract of the paper. You must also select the major category of the paper topic (such as colonial history, medical history, military history, gender studies, children, environment, etc.) and the era (B.C. , 10th century, 11th century, 12th century... 21st century).

Review And Selection Process

All historical papers follow the Rolling admission principle. If publication is confirmed, the official will notify the author via email one month before publication. Generally, 5% of all historical papers received are selected for publication.
Officials recommend that authors should do a considerable amount of reading on the selected historical topic before writing the article, revise at least one draft, and then perform some polishing and proofreading before final submission.

Request Information


    Open For Subscription

    The Concord Review History Essay Competition – Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What kind of submission is in line with the reviewers’ taste?

    Students can choose topics from any period, and the review will focus on the quality of the work rather than the novelty of the subject matter. Unlike other academic activities, TCR submissions have a clear evaluation form for students to compare. Submissions pay more attention to academic ability, logical ability and academic writing ability. Students are required to find a large amount of supporting evidence and how to tell a historical story interestingly.

    2. How high is the publication rate of TCR?

    About 5%. Reviewers look for quality writing and historical research. Tell a story while making an interesting and well-founded argument. The point is its gold content! According to official statistics, 42% of selected candidates are admitted to Ivy League schools.

    3. What else can you get from TCR submissions besides publication?

    TCR also includes an evaluation project. Students can submit an anonymous paper to the official, and the official editor and professor will respond with an evaluation report, which will be helpful for further studies.

    4. Who can submit papers to The Concord Review?

    If you completed a history research paper before graduating from high school and are not yet enrolled in college or university, you may submit a history research paper to The Concord Review. Must be the only author. The paper must be in English and not have been published previously, except in publications of the secondary school attended.

    5. Do papers submitted to The Concord Review have to be about American history?

    Papers on any historical topic (ancient or modern, domestic or foreign) are welcome.

    6. Can I use MLA style endnotes for my paper?

    Papers submitted to The Concord Review should use Turabian (University of Chicago) style endnotes, not MLA style. Information about Turabian endnotes can be found in A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Thess and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian and on the Memorial University of Newfoundland website.

    7. Can I submit more than one paper?

    Yes! The mission of The Concord Review is to encourage middle school students to push themselves academically. It's great to hear that students wrote more papers than expected. Multiple papers by the same author have been published multiple times. Each paper must be accompanied by a $70 submission fee.

    8. Can I submit a paper of less than 4,000 words?

    Of course, submissions of less than 4,000 words in length are welcome. However, papers will compete with longer papers submitted.

    9. Can I submit a paper on a topic that has been published by TCR?

    Submissions of papers on already published topics are welcome. Every historian can add more insight to what has been previously published.

    10. Can I submit the same paper to The Concord Review and the National Writing Board?

    Yes. The submission and evaluation processes for The Concord Review and the National Writing Committee are completely separate. It is necessary to complete the submission process individually for each one.

    11. If the paper is not used in the next issue, will you receive information?

    Publishes approximately 5% of papers. If the paper is not in the next issue, nothing will be heard about it, but the paper will still be eligible for publication in future issues. If the paper is to be published, you will receive a letter one month before publication.

    12. How to confirm that the paper has been uploaded?

    Log in and click your name at the top of any page. Scroll down to the thesis file. It should read "1 file" and contain the file name of the submitted file.

    13. When uploading a paper, the system appends a number to the end of the file name [e.g. (2)]. Is this a problem?

    Won't. The number the system adds to the end of the file name has no effect on commits and is completely fine.

    14. Do I need to subscribe to TCR journals to submit papers?

    unnecessary. Simply select Author Membership from the options on the submission page. Each author membership includes a 1-year subscription to TCR, e-book or print, or both. Fees vary by type and location (U.S. or International).

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