Predicting Virus Survival Time in Water Environments Using Machine Learning
Professor Introduction

Y. W | Ph.D. in Environmental Bioengineering
Home Institute:McGill University
[ Research Interests ] Photocatalysis, Photosterilization, Virus Transmission and Prevention, Public Health Policy
[ Additional Experience ] Licensed Engineer in the USA, Member of the American Chemical Society, Recipient of Johns Hopkins University Scholarship, and McGill University Outstanding Ph.D. Student Scholarship
Project Description
This project focuses on utilizing machine learning techniques to predict the survival time of viruses in aquatic environments. Viruses are a significant category of microorganisms, with human viruses having a substantial impact on public health. COVID-19, for instance, is caused by the spread of the coronavirus. To control virus transmission, accurately predicting the survival time of viruses in the environment is crucial. Machine learning, a popular predictive tool, can provide accurate predictions with high-quality data support. This project primarily employs machine learning methods to predict the survival time of viruses in the environment.
Project Keywords
Project Outline
Part 1 : Introduction
• Research background and significance: Virus transmission in aquatic environments and its public health impact
• Overview of machine learning applications in predictive modeling
Part 2 : Machine Learning Basics
• Fundamental concepts and techniques in machine learning
• Overview of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning
Part 3 : Data Collection and Preprocessin
• Identifying relevant data sources for virus survival times
• Methods for data collection and ensuring data quality
• Techniques for data cleaning, normalization, and feature extraction
Part 4: Model Development
• Selection of appropriate machine learning algorithms (e.g., linear regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, neural networks)
• Training models and tuning parameters
• Evaluating model performance using cross-validation and other methods
Part 5 : Predicting Virus Survival Time
• Applying trained models to predict virus survival times under various environmental conditions
• Analyzing prediction results and comparing them with actual data
• Identifying key environmental factors affecting virus survival time
Part 6 : Case Studies and Applications
• Presenting successful case studies of virus survival time prediction
• Discussing the practical applications of prediction results in public health
• Strategies for integrating predictive models into public health policies and virus control measures
Part 7 : Future Directions and Innovations
• Exploring emerging trends and potential applications of machine learning in virology
• Discussing limitations of current models and areas for improvement
• Identifying new research opportunities and potential collaborations
Suitable for
• High School Students: Interested in virology, environmental health, and machine learning applications