EconomicsSocial Sciences

Determinants of Post-Pandemic Trade in the Technology Sector: Insights from Sino-US Bilateral Trade

Professor Introduction

R.Z | Ph.D. in Economics

Home Institute: University of Wisconsin

[ Research Interests ]  Development Economics, International Trade, International Finance

[ Publications ] Participated in International Monetary Fund research projects, Published multiple SSCI papers

Project Description

This study delves into the determinants of post-pandemic trade, with a particular focus on the technology sector. It examines the bilateral trade relationship between China and the United States, two major players in the global technology market. By analyzing the evolving trade patterns, policy responses, and economic indicators in the technology sector following the pandemic, the research aims to identify the key drivers influencing international trade in this critical industry.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1 :  Introduction to Post-Pandemic Trade Dynamics
•  Overview of global trade dynamics pre- and post-pandemic
•  Importance of the technology sector in global trade
•  Key players: China and the United States

Part 2: Theoretical Framework
•  Introduction to international trade theories (e.g., Comparative Advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin Model)
•  Application of these theories to the technology sector
•  Impact of global crises on trade patterns

Part 3:  Evolution of Sino-US Trade Relations
•  Historical overview of Sino-US trade relations
•  Key milestones and turning points in the technology sector
•  Trade policies and agreements influencing bilateral trade

Part 4:  Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trade
•  Analysis of the pandemic's immediate effects on global trade
•  Specific impacts on the technology sector
•  Policy responses by China and the United States

Part 5:  Determinants of Post-Pandemic Trade in the Technology Sector
•  Identification of key economic indicators (e.g., GDP growth, employment rates, R&D investment)
•  Analysis of policy measures (e.g., tariffs, trade agreements, export controls)Technological advancements and their influence on trade

Part 6:  Data Collection and Methodology
•  Sources of data (e.g., trade databases, economic reports, policy documents)
•  Quantitative methods for analyzing trade patterns (e.g., econometric modeling, time-series analysis)
•  Qualitative methods for understanding policy impacts (e.g., case studies, expert interviews)

Part 7:  Case Studies of Key Trade Events
•  Detailed examination of significant trade events in the technology sector
•  Analysis of the causes and consequences of these events
•  Lessons learned and their implications for future trade policies

Part 8: Comparative Analysis of Policy Responses
•  Comparison of trade policies adopted by China and the United States
•  Evaluation of the effectiveness of these policies in stabilizing trade
•  Recommendations for future policy directions

Part 9: Future Trends in Technology Trade
•  Emerging trends in the technology sector (e.g., AI, 5G, quantum computing)
•  Potential impacts of these trends on international trade
•  Strategic considerations for China and the United States

Part 10: Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
•  Summary of key findings from the research
•  Policy recommendations for enhancing bilateral trade in the technology sector
•  Suggestions for future research directions

Part 11: Reporting and Presentation
•  Writing a comprehensive research report with clear structure, concise language, and accurate data presentation
•  Preparing and delivering an engaging oral presentation of the research background, methods, results, and conclusions

Suitable for

High School Students:  
•  Interested in economics, international trade, and technology sector dynamics
• Basic knowledge of economics and international relations

University Students:
• Majoring in economics, international trade, or related fields, seeking to deepen understanding and engage in research
• Familiar with basic economic theories and data analysis methods

Researchers and Educators:
• Professionals with in-depth knowledge of economics, international trade, and technology sector analysis
• Educators aiming to incorporate current research trends into their teaching and academic work