Public PolicySocial Sciences

Copyright Agreements in Online Literature

Professor Introduction

X. H | Ph.D. in Law

Home Institute:Wuhan University

[ Research Interests ] Public Law, Technology Law
[ Additional Experience ] Extensive teaching experience, adept at guiding research projects and competitions, and pinpointing key assessment criteria
[ Publications ] Expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with nearly ten published papers

Project Description

The booming development of online literature has significantly enriched China's cultural market. In a mature market economy, online literature authors and literary platforms ideally engage in a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit. However, the reality often shows an imbalance in the bargaining power between online literature authors and platforms. For instance, recent controversies have arisen over the so-called "unfair terms" in contracts offered by major platforms like (under China Literature Limited). This project aims to conduct an empirical study based on copyright agreements from major online literature platforms in China. The goal is to examine the current state of copyright agreements, explore how to regulate these agreements legally, and balance the interests of online literature authors and platforms. This project is suitable for students interested in intellectual property, internet economy, and cultural (creative) industries.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1: Overview of Online Literature and Copyright Agreements
•  Overview of the Chinese online literature market
•  Importance of copyright agreements in the online literature industry
•  Introduction to major stakeholders: authors, platforms, and readers

Part 2: Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
•  Theories related to intellectual property, contract law, and network economy
•  Literature review on existing studies about online literature copyright agreements
•  Identification of research gaps and the significance of this study

Part 3:  Data Collection and Description
•  Introduction of major Chinese online literature platforms (e.g., Qidian, Jinjiang Literature City)
•  Description of key variables and data sources (e.g., contract terms, author interviews, platform policies)
•  Data collection methods: document analysis, surveys, and interviews

Part 4:  Research Methods
•  Overview of methods used in the study (quantitative and qualitative analysis)
•  Explanation of model selection and hypotheses
•  Step-by-step guide for implementing analysis using statistical and qualitative software (e.g., NVivo, SPSS)

Part 5:   Analysis of Copyright Agreements
•  Examination of typical terms in major platform copyright agreements
•  Comparison of contract terms across different platforms
•  Identification of potentially unfair terms and their impact on authors

Part 6:  Empirical Results and Interpretation
•  Presentation of empirical analysis results
•  Interpretation of findings and their implications for policy and practice
•  Discussion of potential limitations and robustness checks

Part 7:   Legal Regulation and Policy Recommendations
•  Discussion of the legal framework for online literature copyright agreements
•  Recommendations for improving legal regulation of copyright agreements
•  Strategies for balancing the interests of authors and platforms

Part 8:  Case Studies and Best Practices
•  Case studies of successful agreements and disputes in the online literature industry
•  Analysis of best practices in contract negotiation and enforcement
•  Lessons learned and recommendations for authors and platforms

Part 9: Future Directions in Research on Online Literature Copyright Agreements
•  Identification of emerging trends and challenges in the field
•  Exploration of new data sources and innovative analytical methods
•  Suggestions for future research directions to further understand the impact of copyright agreements on the online literature industry

Part 10: Conclusion and Summary
•  Summary of key findings from the study
•  Policy recommendations to support fair online literature copyright agreements
•  Suggestions for future research directions

Part 11: Reporting and Presentation
•  Writing a comprehensive research report with clear structure, concise language, and accurate data presentation
•  Preparing and delivering an engaging oral presentation of the research background, methods, results, and conclusions

Suitable for

High School Students:  
•  Interested in law, network economy, and cultural industry
• Have a basic understanding of intellectual property and legal principles

University Students:
• Majoring in law, public policy, economics, or related fields, seeking in-depth understanding and research participation
• Familiar with basic legal concepts, intellectual property law, and economic principles