Political ScienceSocial Sciences

Popular Tourist Shops and Traditional Cultural Heritage

Professor Introduction

A. Z | Ph.D.

Home Institute:Bartlett School of Planning, University College London

[ Research Interests ] urban studies, urban political economy, urban sociology, political science, Chinese studies, Chinese political economy, international development, and aid.
[ Additional Experience ] Participated in two major national social science foundation projects and five provincial projects.Research funded by Seoul National University and Peking University research grants.
[ Publications ] Published five papers in top-tier urban studies journals and conferences and co-authored two monographs.

Project Description

With the rise of the influencer economy, more cities are keen on promoting urban culture to boost economic development. In the context of increasingly homogenized and commercialized tourist attractions, preserving and passing on the original cultural heritage has become a significant challenge. The phenomenon of "internet-famous cities" and the associated issues have become a focus for experts and scholars studying regional economic vitality, as well as for urban managers in their city planning and branding efforts. This course will integrate theories from political science, economics, sociology, and urban planning to critically analyze the political and economic factors, cultural backgrounds, and stakeholder demands and actions behind urban transformations. Through diverse case studies and literature reviews, the course will also introduce social science research methods to assist students in conducting their research. This course aims to help students produce academic papers.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1:Introduction to Internet-famous Cities and Cultural Heritage
•  Overview of the phenomenon of internet-famous cities.
•  Importance of preserving cultural heritage in urban development.
•  Introduction to major stakeholders: tourists, local businesses, and city planners.

Part 2: Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
•  Theories related to urban studies, political economy, and cultural sociology.
•  Literature review on existing studies about internet-famous cities and cultural heritage.
•  Identification of research gaps and the significance of this study.

Part 3:  Data Collection and Description
•  Introduction of key data sources and variables.
•  Description of data collection methods: surveys, interviews, and document analysis.
•  Overview of the demographics and contexts studied.

Part 4:  Research Methods
•  Overview of methods used in the study (quantitative and qualitative analysis).
•  Explanation of model selection and hypotheses.
•  Step-by-step guide for implementing analysis using statistical and qualitative software (e.g., NVivo, SPSS).

Part 5:  Analysis of Popular Tourist Shops and Cultural Heritage
•  Examination of the impact of popular tourist shops on cultural heritage.
•  Comparison of different urban development models.
•  Identification of key factors influencing the preservation of cultural heritage.

Part 6:  Empirical Results and Interpretation
•  Presentation of empirical analysis results.
•  Interpretation of findings and their implications for policy and practice.
•  Discussion of potential limitations and robustness checks.

Part 7:  Policy Analysis and Recommendations
•  Discussion of the policy framework for urban development and cultural preservation.
•  Recommendations for improving cultural heritage preservation in internet-famous cities.
•  Strategies for implementing effective urban policies.

Part 8:  Case Studies and Best Practices
•  Case studies of successful preservation efforts and urban development initiatives.
•  Analysis of best practices in cultural heritage preservation and urban planning.
•  Lessons learned and recommendations for policymakers and urban planners.

Part 9:  Future Directions in Research on Urban Development and Cultural Heritage
•  Identification of emerging trends and challenges in the field.
•  Exploration of new data sources and innovative analytical methods.
•  Suggestions for future research directions to further understand the impact of urban development on cultural heritage.

Part 10: Conclusion and Summary
•  Summary of key findings from the study.
•  Policy recommendations to support cultural heritage preservation in urban development.
•  Suggestions for future research directions.

Part 11: Reporting and Presentation
•  Writing a comprehensive research report with clear structure, concise language, and accurate data presentation
•  Preparing and delivering an engaging oral presentation of the research background, methods, results, and conclusions

Suitable for

High School Students:  
•  Interested in the intersections of urban development, culture, and economics.
• Have a basic understanding of sociological and economic principles.

University Students:
• Majoring in economics, sociology, political science, urban planning, or related fields, seeking to deepen their understanding and participate in research.
• Familiar with basic concepts in sociology, political science, and urban planning.