Guide to Applying to Ivy League Schools


Guide to Applying to Ivy League Schools

Is it more difficult for liberal arts students to apply to Ivy League schools than for science students? In addition to standardization, what else can we rely on for liberal arts climbing?
This liberal arts girl who was madly recruited by an Ivy League school gave her own answer:

Liberal arts girl Vernita
Continuously won more than a dozen offers from Stanford University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Williams College, the top-ranked liberal arts college , and other top schools!

  • I only took the SAT once and got a score of 1530;
  • Passed 8 AP exams, all with perfect scores of 5 points;
  • The research results are published in The Concord Review .

in addition to having high test scores, Vernita also perfectly integrated her passion for writing into her application by participating in writing projects, demonstrating her passion for writing to the admissions officers.
In grade 11, she used her spare time to conduct an independent historical research on France, and the research results were published in The Concord Review.
What is The Concord Review ? How to get her same style backpack item ? Is it okay if I don’t want to write an article? Today we will take stock of what liberal arts academic competition we can prepare for this summer vacation!

NHD National History Day

For middle school and high school students, there are various forms of participation
NHD, which is about to usher in the finals, is one of the best choices for liberal arts students to study during the summer vacation. During the finals from June 11th to 13th, NHD will also officially announce the theme of the new season !
National History Day (NHD) is a globally authoritative humanities and social sciences academic event for middle school students. It originated in 1974. The competition is open to students from grades 6 to 12 from all over the world .
In the United States, NHD is fully recognized by many top universities and has extremely high value. Its academic team has the support of Harvard University professors, Princeton University honorary professors, Pulitzer Prize winners and many other big names, laying a high-level academic foundation for NHD.


  • Participants must be students in grades 6-12 and divided into two groups.
  • Junior Division — students in grades 6-8
  • Senior Division — students in grades 9-12

*Some areas allow 4th-5th grade students sponsored by the alliance to participate. Please communicate with the local chapter coordinator for confirmation.
For liberal arts students who don’t want to write articles, the various competition forms provided by NHD not only exercise their academic abilities, but also cultivate students’ working habits, ability to organize reports, communication skills, proposed research plans and other characteristics. These characteristics demonstrate Activity experience and personal abilities are very important in American university admissions .

The Concord Review

Exclusive for high school students, hard-core historical research
Unlike NHD, which has a variety of gameplay, "The Concord Review" (TCR for short) is more traditional and hard-core. As the world's only quarterly historical academic paper for high school students , TCR was established in March 1987 to publish and commend the history papers of high school students under the age of 18.
TCR is dedicated to recognizing and publishing outstanding history papers from high school students , and to date has 1,362 research papers published by authors from 46 states and 41 countries. Having your paper included in TCR is the highest honor in the field of high school history .
As a quarterly magazine, TCR has 4 submission opportunities throughout the year. The latest submission timeline is August 1. It’s not too late to start conceiving and polishing the project during this summer vacation!

Suitable for students

  • Middle school students in grades 9-12, regardless of nationality, who are interested in writing and have their own independent academic writing works.

paper will be submitted to TCR's National Writing Committee and evaluated based on independent academic writing standards recognized by 33 key American universities including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and Virginia.From the high school history papers published in the past year, the 10 high school students with the best academic performance in history will be selected and awarded The Emerson Prize for encouragement.In addition, there is an annual Fitzhugh Award named after the magazine's founder and editor Will Fitzhugh .

CTB Global Youth Research Innovation Forum

Encourage cooperation and form teams to explore social hot spots
Parents and students who pay attention to social science practical activities should be familiar with CTB. The Global Youth Research and Innovation Forum CTB, jointly launched by scholars from Harvard Business School and Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management , aims to enable Chinese youth to keep their country in mind, put forward original local solutions , and speak out on the world stage.

Suitable for students

  • Any student in grades 9-12 (junior grade 3-grade 3) can initiate or participate in a self-selected CTB project as an individual or in a team of no more than 10 people.
  • CTB accepts two categories: academic research and innovative action , and contributors can only choose one of them to submit. All participants must be paired with a corresponding coach to assist in the coaching program .

In fact, in addition to liberal arts ERs who can improve their academic background through scientific research, science students can also enrich their personal image through some liberal arts memorization projects .
In today's increasingly complex application field, having both arts and sciences is a very valuable quality. Especially for Top American undergraduate programs, humanistic elements have become an indispensable part of applying for American undergraduate programs .