Join the iGEM 2024-2025: Unleash Your Potential in Synthetic Biology with Embark


Join the iGEM 2024-2025: Unleash Your Potential in Synthetic Biology with Embark

Biology has always been a popular major among students. With the rise and widespread use of biology, biology majors are becoming more and more popular in university applications, and the difficulty of application is also increasing .
We often see the information "According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States..." in news reports. Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is one of the strong schools majoring in biology.
As the top international academic competition in the field of synthetic biology founded by MIT, the iGEM International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition gives students interested in life sciences a stage to show off their talents and the opportunity to be "seen" by their dream schools!

iGEM ​​is forming a hot team for the 2024-2025 season!The enrollment of iGEM is really very hot this year.Several teams have been formed now!Based on this year’s judging and award trends,Embark have carefully designed the following topics.The team is led by senior instructors, and everyone is a seed player for prizes!
The following topics are prioritized in team formation

  • Team Name:
    Embark Anti Body Hunter (EABH)
  • Team Name:
    Embark Cell Factory (ECF)
  • Team Name:
    Embark Soil Guardian (ESG)
  • Team Name:
    Embark Nitrogen Watchman (ENW)

What is iGEM?

The International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) was founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2003 and has a history of 21 years. It is not only the top international academic competition in the field of synthetic biology, but also one of the world's largest and most influential international competitions in the field of life sciences .
iGEM ​​is highly interdisciplinary and involves In many fields such as mathematics, computers, statistics, etc., participating teams are encouraged to use synthetic biology methods to solve practical problems . Team members need to collaborate to conduct experiments and conduct social research to ensure that the designed products can go out of the laboratory and truly meet the actual needs of society and solve local problems.
At present, the iGEM competition has attracted participation from more than 40 countries around the world . Students and teams from all regions of the world have signed up to participate, with a total number of participants of nearly 80,000 .

For the crowd

It is open to students in grades 9-12 and can participate in biology/all disciplines. It is most suitable for those who are interested in biochemistry and need a valuable project to help them apply for their dream school.


  • Team formation & preparation: (February-May)
    Form a team , recruit team members with different professional backgrounds and skills, familiarize yourself with and study the content of the competition, clarify the team's research projects, review relevant literature, etc.
  • Project design and execution: (June-August)
    Participating teams need to select their own research topics and conduct project research and development, experiments, etc. in the laboratories of their respective schools, including formulating research plans, conducting experimental designs, preparing experimental materials, etc.
  • Project submission and review: (September to October)
    Record the progress of the experiment and report to the organizing committee regularly. Before the competition, each team needs to create a three-dimensional project introduction, including a web page (wiki), a poster, and a 20-minute English presentation (presentation).
  • Regional competition and international finals: (November)
    Some countries have regional competitions, and the winning team advances to the international finals.
    The international finals are usually held alternately in Boston, USA or other countries. Each participating team will present their research results on-site and conduct an oral defense.

Entry form

The competition needs to be led by an instructor to form a team to participate in the competition. There is no upper limit on the number of people. A group of 15-20 people is recommended. The team will be divided into a dry team and a wet team . The wet team = academic + R&D, and the dry team = marketing + marketing.
Since iGEM is a team competition, there will be a captain, vice-captain, corresponding dry and wet team captains and other team members in the iGEM team.
prize settings
iGEM ​​awards are divided into gold, silver and bronze medals, track awards, special awards and the final grand prize .

iGEM ​​gold content

  • global influence
    As the top international academic competition in the field of synthetic biology, iGEM enjoys a global reputation and is widely recognized by the world's top universities. Students' outstanding performance in iGEM will add luster to their applications, attracting the favor of top domestic and foreign universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford and Stanford .
  • Improvement of multi-directional professional capabilities
    In the process of participating in iGEM, you will learn professional knowledge in mathematics, biology, computers, finance, art and other fields. You can not only exercise and improve your professional abilities, but also be exposed to core skills in other fields and exercise multiple Comprehensive cross-fertilization capabilities in the field. No matter which direction you choose, whether it is science, engineering, business, or art , you can find your place in the competition.
  • Academic knowledge transformation practical results
    The iGEM competition is more than just an armchair exercise; it requires students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice . Therefore, the practical experience and abilities gained by students participating in iGEM are far beyond those that can be compared with those competitions that focus on theory. The iGEM competition encourages students to transform the ideas in their minds into scientific research and then apply the research results to real life .

    The 2024-2 5iGEM International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition is in the golden preparation period! If you are interested in biology and interdisciplinary scientific research and have a heart that dares to innovate, then come and join the Embark iGEM team and start this year's journey with senior mentors and capable teammates!