Computer ScienceEngineering

Biomimetic Amphibious Robot

Professor Introduction

J. Y | Ph.D. in Computer Science

Home Institute:Harbin Institute of Technology

[ Research Interests ] Bionic Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Equipment
[ Additional Experience ] Senior Robotics Expert with over ten years of experience in robotics development;Participated in several National Natural Science Foundation and National 863 Program projects
[ Publications ] IEEE Member, Visiting Scholar at the University of Utah;Principal investigator of multiple national and provincial projects with extensive teaching and research experience

Project Description

This project focuses on developing a high-mobility amphibious robot inspired by the superior locomotion abilities of semi-aquatic animals like the beaver. The robot will combine underwater swimming and terrestrial crawling, enabling exploration in narrow spaces. The project involves analyzing the physiological structure of beavers, designing a prototype with components such as retractable webbed feet, hind limb modules, forelimb modules, a flexible tail, and control hardware. The project will also involve analyzing the leg trajectories and swimming modes of beavers to control the robot's hind limb prototype and testing its underwater functionality on a testing platform.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1 :  Introduction to Amphibious Robots and Biomimetics
• Overview of Amphibious Robot Technologies and Applications
• Importance of Biomimetic Design in Robotics
• Introduction to Semi-Aquatic Animals and Their Locomotion

Part 2 : Research Objectives and Hypotheses
• Investigating the Effectiveness of Biomimetic Design for Amphibious Robots
• Developing and Optimizing the Robot Design and Control System

Part 3 :  Review of Current Research and Methods
• Review of Existing Amphibious Robot Designs and Control Systems
• Identification of Gaps and Limitations in Current Technologies

Part 4:  Design and Simulation of the Robot
• Analyzing the Physiological Structure of Beavers
• Designing the Robot Based on Beaver Dimensions (SolidWorks)
• Simulating Movements and Structural Optimization
• Setting Up Simulation Parameters and Boundary Conditions

Part 5 :  Development of Control Systems and Hardware Integration
• Developing Control Algorithms for Leg Trajectories and Swimming Modes (Python or C++)
• Integrating Control Algorithms with Hardware Components
• Setting Up Control Hardware Modules and Sensors

Part 6 :  Prototype Manufacturing and Testing
• Manufacturing the Robot Prototype
• Debugging and Initial Testing of the Prototype
• Evaluating the Prototype's Performance in Water and on Land

Part 7: Optimization and Parameter Tuning
• Identifying Optimal Control Parameters for Maximum Mobility
• Iteratively Optimizing the Control System for Better Performance
• Quantitative Analysis of the Robot's Locomotion Efficiency

Part 8: Results and Discussion
• Graphical Representation of Experimental Results and Performance Metrics
• Interpretation of Results and Discussion of Implications for Amphibious Robotics
• Comparison with Existing Amphibious Robots and Discussion of Advantages and Limitations

Part 9: Conclusion and Future Directions
• Summary of Key Findings and Their Significance
• Identification of Research Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
• Recommendations for Practical Applications in Exploration and Surveillance

Part 10: Reporting and Presentation
• Writing a Detailed Research Report with Clear Structure, Concise Language, and Accurate Data Presentation
• Preparing and Delivering a Clear and Engaging Oral Presentation of Research Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions

Suitable for

High School Students:  
Interest in Robotics and Biomimetics: Students with a strong interest in robotics, biomimetics, and mechanical design.
Basic Knowledge : Students with a basic understanding of programming, mechanical design, and electronics.

University Students:
Relevant Major: Students majoring in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, or related fields.
Proficiency in Software Tools: Students with skills in 3D modeling software (SolidWorks) and programming languages (Python or C++).