EngineeringMechanical Engineering

Efficient Microperforated Panel Absorbers Based on Advanced 3D Printing Technology: Experimental Validation and Innovative Applications in Green Building Design

Professor Introduction

Jerry | Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

Home Institute:Trinity College Dublin

[ Research Interests ] Mechanical design, intelligent acoustic materials, advanced flow and sound field testing technologies, advanced airfoil design and optimization, multi-objective intelligent optimization, and advanced manufacturing technologies.
[ Additional Experience ] member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA). Long-term reviewer for leading international journals such as the Journal of Vibration and Control and Advances in Computational Design.
[ publications ] Published multiple SCI journal and EI conference papers as the first author, including in top-tier journals such as the Journal of Sound and Vibration, Applied Acoustics, and the Journal of Aerospace Power. Presented at top aerospace conferences like AIAA.

Project Description

With the acceleration of urbanization, noise pollution has become an increasingly prominent issue, particularly in building environments. Concurrently, the demand for sustainable development and environmental protection has made green building design an important trend in the construction industry. This project aims to develop a new type of efficient microperforated panel absorber using advanced 3D printing technology, which not only enhances sound absorption performance but also promotes the development of green buildings.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1 : Introduction to Noise Pollution and Green Building Design
• Overview of noise pollution issues in urban environments
• Importance of green building design for sustainable development

Part 2 : Research Objectives and Hypotheses
• Developing a high-efficiency microperforated panel absorber using 3D printing
• Enhancing sound absorption performance and promoting green building applications

Part 3 : Review of Existing Research and Technologies
• Current state of noise control technologies and their limitations
• Existing applications of microperforated panels in acoustics
• Overview of advanced 3D printing technologies and their potential in acoustics

Part 4:  Design and Fabrication of Microperforated Panels
• Using CAD software to design microperforated panels
• Fabrication of panels using advanced 3D printing techniques

Part 5 :   Experimental Setup and Methodology
• Setting up experimental apparatus for acoustic testing
• Methodology for measuring sound absorption performance

Part 6 : Experimental Validation and Data Analysis
• Conducting experiments to validate the sound absorption performance of the panels
• Analyzing experimental data to assess the effectiveness of the panels

Part 7:   Optimization of Microperforated Panel Design
• Identifying key parameters affecting sound absorption performance
• Using optimization techniques to enhance panel design

Part 8: Innovative Applications in Green Building Design
• Exploring the integration of microperforated panels in green building projects
• Evaluating the environmental and acoustic benefits of using these panels

Part 9: Results and Discussion
• Presenting experimental results and performance metrics
• Discussing the significance and potential applications of the research findings
• Comparing the new panels with existing noise control solutions

Part 10: Conclusion and Future Research Directions
• Summarizing key findings and their importance
• Identifying research limitations and suggesting future research directions
• Proposing practical applications of microperforated panels in various fields

Part 11: Reporting and Presentation
• Writing a detailed research report with clear structure, concise language, and accurate data presentation
• Preparing and delivering a clear and engaging oral presentation of research background, methods, results, and conclusionsSummarizing key findings and their importance

Suitable for

High School Students:  
Interest in Engineering and Sustainability: Students with a strong interest in mechanical engineering, acoustics, and sustainable building design.
Basic Knowledge : Students with basic knowledge of physics and mathematics, and an understanding of 3D printing technology.

University Students:
Relevant Major :  Students majoring in mechanical engineering, acoustics, environmental engineering, or related fields.
Software Skills : Familiarity with 3D printing technology, acoustic measurement techniques, and CAD software.