Natural SciencesPhysics

Seismic Performance of Long-Span Suspension Bridges with Various Structural Systems

Professor Introduction

T. Z | Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

Home Institute:Southeast University

[ Research Interests ] Specializes in large-span spatial structures, composite structures, structural mechanics, wood-based lattice structures, aluminum honeycomb panels, and seismic performance of reinforced concrete shear walls
[ Publications ] Author of over ten SCI-indexed papers, including 11 first-author papers and 2 publications in top-tier journals such as Construction and Building Materials

Project Description

This research project focuses on the seismic performance of long-span suspension bridges with different structural systems. Suspension bridges, unlike cable-stayed bridges, primarily rely on main cables and anchorages for load-bearing, reducing the bending moments on bridge towers and enhancing span capacity. With the advent of high-strength steel wires, the span capabilities of suspension bridges have significantly increased. Due to their substantial span and aesthetic appeal, suspension bridges are often used in sea and river crossings.

However, as the span of suspension bridges increases, issues such as reduced stiffness of stiffening girders and lower damping arise, presenting new challenges. While deterministic problems can be addressed by improving the main cable's sag-to-span ratio, selecting high-strength cable materials, and enhancing the stiffness of the main girders and towers, there is limited research on improving seismic performance by altering the structural system of suspension bridges.

This project takes the Golden Gate Bridge in the United States as a case study, proposing various structural systems and analyzing their dynamic characteristics and seismic performance. Based on this analysis, suitable dampers will be designed. The ultimate goal is to propose a new structural system that enhances the seismic energy dissipation capabilities of suspension bridges, thereby reducing their seismic response and providing innovative design approaches for future suspension bridges.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1 : Introduction to Suspension Bridges
• Overview of fundamental concepts in suspension bridge design
• Key principles and historical context
• Applications and relevance to current engineering challenges

Part 2 : Structural Characteristics of Suspension Bridges
• Detailed exploration of the main load-bearing components: main cables, anchorages, and bridge towers
• Comparison between suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges
• Impact of high-strength steel wires on span capabilities

Part 3 : Seismic Performance Challenges
• Identification of seismic performance challenges in long-span suspension bridges
• Analysis of issues related to reduced stiffness and damping
• Review of existing methods to address deterministic problems

Part 4 : Structural System Proposals
• Development of multiple structural system proposals for the Golden Gate Bridge
• Analysis of proposed systems’ dynamic characteristics
• Comparative study of seismic performance across different systems

Part 5 : Damper Design and Implementation
• Design of dampers based on dynamic analysis results
• Implementation strategies for enhancing seismic energy dissipation
• Case studies and practical examples

Part 6 : Evaluation and Optimization
• Evaluation of the new structural system's performance
• Optimization for practical application and implementation
• Future directions and potential for further research

Suitable for

• High School Students Interested in civil engineering and preparing for advanced studies or competitions
• Undergraduate and graduate students Majoring in civil and structural engineering, seeking to deepen their understanding and engage in research