BiologyNatural Sciences

Impact of High Temperature on Lifespan

Professor Introduction

 Y. L | Ph.D. in Basic Medicine

Home Institute:Zhejiang University

[ Research Interests ] Extensive experience with model organisms including C. elegans, mice, and cell lines.
Proficient in molecular biology, cell biology, and animal behavior studies.
Skilled in plasmid construction, RNAi screening, and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing.

Project Description

With global warming leading to more frequent high temperatures, it is crucial to understand whether high temperatures negatively impact lifespan. Additionally, it is important to investigate if consuming beverages like tea, coffee, and traditional Chinese medicine can mitigate these effects. This project will use the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) to first determine if high temperatures shorten lifespan. Subsequently, we will conduct genetic screenings to identify the pathways and genetic mechanisms involved in this regulation. We will then feed the worms with extracts of tea, coffee, and traditional Chinese medicine to observe if these treatments can reverse the effects of high temperature on lifespan and target gene regulation. Finally, we will assess the conservation of these target genes with human homologs to evaluate whether similar regulatory pathways exist in humans. Additionally, we will explore the molecular mechanisms by which these target genes might influence learning and memory.

Project Keywords

Project Outline

Part 1 :   Impact of High Temperature on Lifespan
• Overview of global warming and the prevalence of high temperatures
• Discussion on the potential effects of high temperatures on organism lifespan
• Introduction to C. elegans as a model organism for lifespan studies

Part 2 : Experimental Design Under High Temperature Conditions
• Design experiments to determine if high temperatures shorten the lifespan of C. elegans
• Establish appropriate high-temperature treatment conditions and durations
• Record and analyze lifespan data of C. elegans under high-temperature conditions

Part 3 :  Genetic Screening of High Temperature Regulatory Pathways
• Use RNAi screening and CRISPR-Cas9 technology to identify target genes and pathways involved in high-temperature lifespan regulation
• Analyze gene expression and pathway activity under high-temperature conditions
• Identify key regulatory genes and pathways

Part 4: Effects of Beverage Extracts on High-Temperature Impact
• Prepare extracts from tea, coffee, and traditional Chinese medicine
• Design experiments to feed C. elegans with these extracts under high-temperature conditions
• Observe and record any changes in lifespan and target gene regulation
• Analyze whether the beverage extracts can mitigate the negative effects of high-temperature

Part 5 : Homology Assessment and Human Relevance
• Compare the identified target genes and pathways in C. elegans with their human homologs
• Evaluate the conservation of these regulatory pathways between C. elegans and humans
• Discuss the potential implications for human health and lifespan

Part 6: Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Regulation
• Explore how the identified target genes might influence learning and memory in C. elegans
• Design behavioral experiments to assess learning and memory under high-temperature conditions and after treatment with beverage extracts
• Analyze the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects

Part 7 : Conclusion and Future Directions
• Summary key findings and their significance.
• Discuss the limitations of the study and potential sources of error
• Propose future research directions and applications in lifespan extension and health improvement

Suitable for

• Undergraduate and graduate students Interested in molecular biology, genetics, and lifespan studies, particularly those exploring the health benefits of dietary components