The Complete Guide to 2025 Regeneron STS


The Complete Guide to 2025 Regeneron STS

What is regneron STS ?

Regneron Science Talent Search is a well -known scientific competition in the United States to encourage and reward high school students' outstanding achievements in science and mathematics. The competition is sponsored by the REGENERON company and attracts the most outstanding young scientists from the country every year.

The competition discipline includes all natural sciences and some social science content. In addition to high bonuses, winners will also choose three winners to participate in the Nobel Prize award ceremony.

The competition invites more than 1,000 experts from different science and engineering disciplines each year, including dozens of Nobel Prize winners responsible for judging projects. The competition has a high requirements for the judges. Each judge must have a doctorate degree or has 8 years of related scientific research experience. Essence Regneron STS provides a platform for students to show their research results and innovative ideas, and interact with professionals in the scientific community.

It is known as the "World Cup" of the youth science competition. The Grand Prix is also known as the cradle of the Nobel Prize. Many Nobel Prize winners have participated in this competition during their student days.

How Prestigious is Regeneron STS?

1. Outstanding Scientific Achievements

The competition has produced 13 Nobel Prize winners, 13 National Medal of Science recipients, 6 Breakthrough Prize winners, 22 MacArthur Fellows, and 2 Fields Medalists. This underscores its significance and impact in the fields of science and mathematics.

2. High Admission Rates to Elite U.S. Universities

Over the past two years, 50-57% of the finalists were admitted to the top five U.S. universities (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT), and 70-76% gained entry into the top 15 U.S. schools. This indicates that participation in STS not only highlights a student's scientific talents but also significantly enhances their prospects for admission to prestigious colleges.

Participation in the Regeneron STS not only allows students to demonstrate their scientific abilities but also lays a solid foundation for their academic and professional development, offering a substantial advantage in applying to elite universities. We hope every participant maximizes their potential and achieves excellent results in the competition.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible for Regeneron STS, students must be at least 13 years old and in their final year of high school (12th grade) in the U.S. or U.S. territories. American citizens attending school abroad are also eligible, provided they can submit proof of citizenship. Students in 11th grade can start preparing their projects, but applications can only be submitted during their senior year. The application process is conducted online, and participants compete individually by submitting an original, independent research paper, up to 20 pages long, that demonstrates originality and creativity.

Students should follow the following rules when they participate:

Online application: Students must submit all parts of the requirements of the Reginalon STS online application to be regarded as participating works.

Moral Statement: Students and mentors must abide by the moral statement of the Regneron STS.

Forbidden compensation: It is forbidden to provide any compensation to the instructor/adult based on the students' grades of students in the regneron STS. Any such behavior will cause students to lose their qualifications and cancel any reward they have obtained.

Submitting a single project: Each student allows only one project.

Master's permission: Students must obtain the project instructor's permission to conduct research on the regeneren STS and provide relevant certificates in the application.

Original testing: Regineron STS uses plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of the entry, including papers, research reports and recommendation letters, and works that violate the original rules will not be considered as winning works.

External links are prohibited: Students shall not provide external website links in the research report, and judges and reviewers shall not allow access to any other links.

The use of AI tools: Students shall not use ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence tools to answer questions in the Reginalon STS application or draft research reports. When using these tools in their own research projects, they must be disclosed in the application.

Application for independent drafting: Students must answer all application questions independently, and any answer from external support must be reported in the application.

What is the timeLine like?

Deading deadline: November 2024

Finalists in the semi -finals announced: January 2025

The first 40 shortlisters announced: January 2025

Global Finals: March 2025

Please refer to the official website for specific time

What are the rules of STS?

The members of the STS review committee are scientists in various fields. The judges selected 300 projects from all the projects to participate in the semi -finals, and then entered the final from 40 players. The 40 finals will meet the judges and finally decide the top ten.

The following is the criterion for judging of STS:

  1. Research Report and Scientific Merit
  2. Student Contribution to the Research
  3. Academic Aptitude and Achievement
  4. Overall Potential as a Future Leader of the Scientific Community

If you would like to participate, you can apply here

What awards are there in STS?

Digital Badges:Study in Student Initiative students' initiative and The Research Report Research Report

Scholar Awards: A total of 300 students, each received a prize of $ 2,000 per person, the bonus was issued in the end of spring

School Awards: In schools that are scientific, mathematics or engineering, and schools that support students' research, each school is $ 2,000 in bonuses

Finalist Awards: A total of 40 students, bonus bonuses by ranking, and can participate in Washington, the capital of the United States to participate in personal display

First place: $ 20,000

Second place: $ 175,000

Third place: 150,000 US dollars

Fourth place: 100,000 US dollars

Fifth place: $ 90,000

Sixth place: 80,000 US dollars

Seventh place: $ 70,000

Eighth place: $ 60,000

Ninth place: $ 50,000

Tenth: 40,000 US dollars

30 remaining: $ 25,000 respectively

Want extra support ? Prestigious STEM Competition

If you are looking for a mentor to participate in scientific competitions such as STS, or to write your own independent research papers, then you can consider applying for Embark Prestigious Stem Competitions and Embark Explration Program. Embark guides students to win nearly 10,000 awards in the global large global scientific research competition through customized scientific research and training, and helps them successfully enter world -renowned universities, such as Harvard, Stanford University, Princeton, Oxford and Cambridge. For details, you can contact our mentor here to get it.